Yeah I am going to take a break the week with the 4th. Family will be in for the 4th, I have some things to do on the 2nd and I just want to take the week off. Unfortunately I won’t be on a real vacation like pictured in the thumbnail. Who the hell can afford that these days? Not me anyway. I will be back the following Monday. Try not to grieve yourselves to death in the meantime


  1. LSWCHP says:

    Enjoy mate. 👍


  2. John M. says:

    Enjoy, Shawn.


  3. James says:

    Have a nice vaco,somehow,feel we will manage for week.

    With that said,your gone longer then a week,well…..,could be a issue and the coinciding insanity that is a result of such abandonment is on you!


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